Medical-Legal Consultation
Additional Medical-Legal Consultation Services:
Medical-legal referrals are handled by senior occupational therapists at IOHS.
We provide independent objectiv\e evaluations for both sides of a civil dispute, i.e., plaintiff and defendant.
Opinions are provided regarding the client’s current abilities and limitations in work, leisure and everyday living activities.
A summary of the results of the assessment.
Comparison of the individual’s pre- and post-disability functional performance.
A statement of opinion.
Identification of suitable vocational options, if appropriate.
Recommendations regarding services, equipment, treatment, and/or other investigations required to maximize function, clarify status, and/or enhance quality of life.
It can include an appendix detailing costs associated with recommendations, if required.
Cost of future care reports can be provided outlining any future costs associated with injury/disability. This could include the fees for future rehabilitation services, adaptive equipment, homemaking services, child-care assistance, modifications to work environment, and any other expenses that could be incurred as a result of the client’s injury/disability. Consultation with various health care professionals, service providers, and suppliers would be included in this process.
We will defend our opinion in discovery examinations, hearings, and court proceedings.
IOHS staff have qualified as expert witnesses in the field of occupational therapy at the Supreme Court of Newfoundland. We have experience with discovery examinations regarding the clinical services we provide.