Theresa Roberts
Theresa graduated from McGill University in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy. She has specialized in two primary areas over the past 25 years, which include vocational rehabilitation and rheumatology. However, she also possesses well over a decade of experience completing home assessments and working with the elderly.
Theresa has continuing education experience in many areas, including Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation, Occupation and Trauma, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills training, Home Modification: Ramps, Rails and Bathroom Modifications, Psychosocial Risk Factors and Return to Work, Management of the Bariatric Patient, Workplace Facilitation certification, Custom Orthotic Therapy, Progressive Goal Attainment Program, Universal Design workshop, Arcon (vocational assessment) certification training, Work Skills Review (i.e. Transferrable Skills Analysis) training, Seating and the Elderly, Assessment of Inflammatory Polyarthritis for Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists, Outcome Measures Workshop, Ergonomics, Determining Employability, and Roy Matheson Work Hardening Workshop.
Memberships include the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT), the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Occupational Therapists (NLAOT), and the Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Therapy Board (NLOTB).
At IOHS, Theresa specializes in functional assessments, home demands analysis, personal care assessments, medical-legal evaluations, and expert witness testimony.