Treatment Programs
When a person experiences injury or disability, IOHS provides an exceptional range of services to help him or her return to work or other life activities as quickly as possible. We also help the client identify strategies to ensure that the injury or disability does not reoccur. By maximizing their abilities and reducing the effects of their disability, we help our clients to achieve optimal quality of life and productivity.
Occupational therapy treatment services are available in our fully equipped rehabilitation facility in St. John’s, and can also be provided to clients in their own homes or workplaces. These home and workplace services are available across the province through our qualified team of consultants:
In Corner Brook: Joanne Martin and Corrine Power
In Grand Falls-Windsor: Paulette Upshall
In Gander: Kelli Simms and Paulette Upshall
Work Hardening
An individualized daily treatment program focusing on physical reconditioning and increasing functional tolerances through work simulation. This program will maximize a client’s ability to return to specific employment or improve overall employability.
Additional features:
Typically a 4–8 week program depending upon the client’s needs.
Work hardening on-the-job is coordinated when available and appropriate.
Programs are developed, coordinated, and supervised by an occupational therapist and a kinesiologist.
The client must have a tolerance for two hours of activity, a willingness to return to work, and a defined treatment goal.
Worksite Occupational Rehabilitation
This program is a gradual return to work program graded and monitored by an occupational therapist. A client would initially be assessed to determine factors that do not match workplace demands and requirements. The therapist will then provide specific recommendations for progressive participation in workplace hours and duties.
Additional features:
Programs are individualized for the client and workplace.
Onsite body mechanics training and monitoring can be provided when necessary.
Ongoing communication with other treating health professionals, supervisors and employee will occur in order to ensure success of the program.
Education/Ergonomic Consultation
This may include a variety of education sessions and/or consultations. Examples include training in posture, body mechanics, pacing, energy conservation, work simplification, or problem solving around specific job issues as they relate to a worker’s injury.
Additional features:
Services are available on an individual basis or in a group setting.
We can help develop internal expertise by training trainers within the workplace.
Enhanced Fitness Program
An individualized exercise therapy program developed and monitored by our kinesiologist. This program is a cost-effective alternative to traditional work conditioning programs for clients who require less supervision. Unlimited use of our fitness facilities is included.
Additional features:
Facility hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. We can provide extended hours to accommodate clients who have returned to work.
Orientation and follow-up services depend upon the needs of the client.
We will provide documentation of assessment results, predicted outcomes, progress, and discharge status.
Back Injury Prevention Program (BIPP)
Based upon provincial BIPP guidelines, this is an individualized injury prevention program focusing on patient-handling techniques relevant to the client and job situation. We provide a review of general body mechanics, patient-handling principles and patient-transfer protocols prior to intensive hands-on training. Topics include bed mobility, chair and bed repositioning, and transfers to and from wheelchairs, beds, toilets and stretchers.
Additional features:
Performed by occupational therapists and kinesiologist trained in BIPP.
Sessions may be individual or group-oriented.
We can provide instruction at IOHS or in the work environment.
Opportunities for practice, feedback, and problem solving regarding actual work tasks and clients are provided.
A minimum of five sessions is recommended for those with previous training. Ten sessions are recommended for those with no training or in situations where endurance is an issue.
We can modify the program for non-institutional settings.
Functional Hand Assessments
We perform a detailed assessment of hand function, considering range of motion, strength, coordination, dexterity, and sensation. Specific referral questions regarding function can be answered.
Additional features:
Occupational therapists specializing in hand function perform this assessment.
Includes job simulation tasks for a variety of work environments, e.g., typing or carpentry.
A report is provided to the referral agent.
We can provide customized splinting services or will arrange such services as required.
Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP)
This program is a standardized 10-week activity based program that is designed to target psychosocial risk factors that affect pain and disability. It is suitable for clients who are experiencing a persistent pain condition and have pain symptoms and psychosocial factors that are negatively impacting their progress in rehabilitation. For more details on this standardized program, please see the PGAP website www.PDP-PGAP.com
Additional features:
We can integrate this service with other health care professionals such as physiotherapy and psychology, when indicated, in order to create a team approach to pain management.
We can provide a fitness facility to permit clients to participate in their activity-based program at no additional charge if weather or home restraints impact their ability to participate in the walking component of the program.
We can provide follow-up services for the client to assist with optimal recovery and rehabilitation upon completion of this program when indicated, building on the rapport and therapeutic relationship already established with the client.
Mental Health Return to Work Services
Mental Health Service Intake
This detailed assessment establishes the client’s current occupational performance issues. It is designed to gather subjective and objective information on the individual in order to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. This is a pre-requisite for all mental health services excluding the Psychosocial Job Demands Analysis and the Healthy Workplace Initiatives.
Additional features include:
A 2-3 hour interview that includes a standardized occupational performance measure and depression scale.
A report recommending a treatment plan and/or further assessment is provided.
Specialized Mental Health Treatment Services
This includes a variety of specialized services designed specifically for the individual based on the intake evaluation.
Additional features include:
Education and skill development may include illness education, assertiveness training, relaxation training, workload management, stress management and healthy lifestyle education.
A gradual return to work plan may be implemented.
Job accommodations can be recommended.
Therapist can provide onsite training and education to employers and co-workers regarding mental illness, stigma and positive work culture.
Activation/ Community Integration Services
This is intended for individuals who are having difficulty accomplishing activities of daily living at home and in the community.
Additional features:
An individualized program is developed to gradually increase activities of daily living and community involvement.
Maintaining ones involvement in life roles will be critical to recovery.
Staff are available in the community to support individuals.
Assertiveness Training
A comprehensive 8-week program that examines assertiveness and provides individuals with the tools for more effective communication at work and in their everyday lives.
Additional features:
Can be taught individually or in a group setting. A minimum of 6 people is required to run a group.
Includes a 130-page manual for the participant.
A modified program is available for companies to avail of at the worksite.
Relaxation Training
Over 6 sessions participants will learn about stress, its effect on the body and ways to reduce it through several effective relaxation techniques.
Additional features:
Can be taught individually or in a group setting. A minimum of 4 people is required to run a group.
Includes a relaxation CD for each participant.
Psychosocial Job Demands Analysis
An onsite analysis of the cognitive, behavioral and emotional demands of a specific jobsite, school site or workstation.
Additional features:
Includes a 2-3 hour on-site evaluation.
Report includes a summary of subjective and objective information gathered on a variety of topics including amount of supervision required, deadline pressure, exposure to emotional situations and literacy requirements as well as many other areas.
Psychosocial Job Match
This assesses the match between the client’s behavioral and cognitive abilities and the psychosocial demands of a specific job. A subjective and objective analysis of the job and an objective evaluation of the client are analyzed in order to determine a client’s ability to perform a specific position.
Healthy Workplace Initiatives
IOHS offers a variety of workshops and seminars available for the worksite.
Topics include:
Assertiveness Training: A comprehensive 4 part course that teaches the fundamentals of assertiveness skills.
Stress Management: 4 part course that examines the nature of stress and how to cope with it effectively.
Workplace Wellness: A one hour seminar that examines the basics of health, nutrition, stress and positive workplace culture.
We will customize an individualized workshop or presentation based upon the needs of your employees or your specific workplace issues/concerns.